Title: OLE 2.0 Barcode Server Product Name and Version: BAROLE 2.5 Archive Name: BAROLE2.ZIP BAROLE is a full OLE 2.01 barcode server that generates barcode objects for embedding in OLE aware applications. It also works with DDE communication. BAROLE Supports 16 barcode styles including: UPC A, UPC E ,EAN 8, EAN 13, EAN 128 ,Code128,39,B,11, Codabar, Telepen, and more! It can print full pages of barcode labels directly to any Windows printer. Rotation, bearer bars, check digits and colours. Print preview and complete control over page layout for label sheets. Registration is only $160 US. You must have OLE 2.01 files installed to use BAROLE. The author of BAROLE can be contacted by sending mail to 100241.2550@Compuserve.com